We at MSRF provide free online Computer courses so that patients can use online applications, keep documentation of their finances, discuss new online tools in market, and remain conneted with new technologies. We conduct sessions through Google Hangout or Skype. 

If you are interested please send us an email for more information at: masresearchfoundation@gmail.com

Currently, we are short on staff and looking for volunteers, if you are interested, please send email to: masresearchfoundation@gmail.com

We will teach Microsoft office applications, MS Word, Excel, Power point, Browser fundamentals, Windows 10, basic programming and fundamentals of computers. If anyone is interested in advance course, please reach out to us.

We @MSRF are commited to help our community to be independent and learn to grow. Patients who are unable to use computers and want to learn, please send us an email at: masresearchfoundation@gmail.com